About CompanyEthical Management

Daedong is an ethical company everyone wants to work with and a company that inspires the local community

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  3. Ethical management
  4. Declaration of Ethical Management
What is ethical management?
Ethical management involves a company not only complying with its economic and legal responsibilities throughout the course of its business endeavors, but also performing its business fairly and transparently by reflecting the ethical values required by society in the company's decisions and actions. Ethical management is where all stakeholders surrounding a company, including executives and employees, customers, shareholders, partners, and the local community, grow together in a sustainable manner.
Ethical Management by Daedong Co., Ltd.
Daedong has established a Code of Ethics, including its Ethics Charter, which lays out the fundamental spirit of ethical management, the Rule of Ethics, which is the standard for ethical judgment and behavior, and the Employee Code of Conduct, which provides specific behavioral guidelines for executives and staff. The company has built a corporate culture of ethical management by strengthening ethics practice programs (strengthening ethics/compliance education and public relations) and operating a center dedicated to reporting ethics violations, and it also carries out all management activities fairly and transparently, thereby growing into an ethical company that touches the hearts of executives, employees, customers, and neighbors with whom they want to work together with.
A company customers want to buy from
  • · Improve quality
  • · Respect and satisfy customers
A company partners want to do business with
  • · Establish a transparent transaction culture
  • · Be considerate and respect others to grow together
A company employees want to work for
  • · Build an organizational culture driven by trust and harmony
  • · Establish mutual respect between employees and develop talented individuals
  • · Promote the mutual growth of individuals and organizations
A company shareholders want to invest in
  • · Improve corporate value
  • · Protect shareholders' interests
  • · Practice transparent management
and society
A company that fulfills its responsibilities
  • · Comply with laws and ethical values
  • · Contribute to and share with society