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Daedong 000490 2024-10-08 14:02:32 KST

Compared to the previous day 70

Fluctuation -0.79%

Market price High price Low price Transaction volume
8,840 8,890 8,760 33,947

Key indices (Unit: KRW, %)

Transaction amount 299,278,670
Upper limit price 11,570
Lower limit price 6,230
Previous day price 8,900
52-week high 20,100
52-week low 7,920
PER 11.12
Face value 1,000
Number of listed stocks 25,640,788
Market capitalization 226,408,158,040
Listing date 1975.06.27

Bid and ask price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Sell quantity Bid and ask price Buy quantity
154 8,870
257 8,860
47 8,850
568 8,840
65 8,830
8,820 225
8,810 519
8,800 213
8,790 54
8,780 888

Hourly execution price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Time Execution price Compared to
the previous day
Ask price Bid price Execution volume
14:02:30 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 5
14:01:40 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 5
14:00:40 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 5
14:00:20 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 30
13:59:50 8,830 70 8,840 8,830 18
13:59:00 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 5
13:58:00 8,830 70 8,830 8,820 5
13:57:10 8,840 60 8,840 8,820 5
13:56:20 8,840 60 8,840 8,820 5
13:55:30 8,840 60 8,840 8,820 4

Daily price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Date Closing price Compared to
the previous day
Market price High price Low price Transaction
24/10/08 8,830 70 8,840 8,890 8,760 33,947 299,278,670
24/10/07 8,900 190 8,720 9,000 8,670 73,607 654,147,060
24/10/04 8,710 100 8,760 8,790 8,610 55,774 485,034,710
24/10/02 8,810 20 8,800 8,850 8,610 71,432 623,265,790
24/09/30 8,830 180 9,000 9,050 8,820 63,352 563,001,440
24/09/27 9,010 50 9,110 9,160 9,000 75,918 687,462,520
24/09/26 9,060 170 8,970 9,090 8,920 79,088 712,482,430
24/09/25 8,890 10 8,910 9,160 8,820 173,865 1,568,429,340
24/09/24 8,900 340 8,570 9,600 8,570 1,341,449 12,265,528,120
24/09/23 8,560 50 8,580 8,660 8,510 39,722 341,129,770
·IR officer Tel. 02-3470-7325 E-mail : kht278@daedong.co.kr