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“Let us create a success story in the 3 major future industries”

2023-01-05 | views 1,063

'Daedong Group Chairman Jun-Sik Kim delivers 2023 New Year’s greeting’

“Let us create a success story in the 3 major future industries”



- Announced 3 key tasks core business and future industry prior to the launch of high-tech products for future agriculture
- Quantitative growth and qualitative leap forward in the agricultural machinery business; strengthening of core competencies for future business; promotion of ESG management, etc.
- Goal is to launch autonomous three-stage agricultural machinery and crop growth information service within this year



Daedong Group Chairman Jun-Sik Kim announced the year 2023 goals are qualitative and quantitative growth of the business, and the full-step into future businesses.


In the New Year's message sent to employees on the 3rd, Chairman Kim proposed three key tasks for Daedong's sustainable growth in 2023: quantitative growth and qualitative leap forward in the smart agricultural machinery business, strengthening of core competencies for future businesses, and promotion of ESG management, and innovation in work methods. In addition, he emphasized, “For the past 3 years, we achieved quantitative growth exceeding 1 trillion in sales by building the 'framework' for the three major future businesses such as smart agricultural machinery, mobility, and farms. For the next 3 years, we will fill the frame with ‘success story’ of a high-tech company, unique to Daedong.


First, he urged, “We must make a qualitative growth that maximizes production efficiency through our core business, smart agricultural machinery, and through ‘process rebuilding’ with a unified manufacturing organization; and make a quantitative growth that develops overseas markets to strengthen market dominance by expanding M/S in North America and to find new foods.” He added, “We must expand the parts business that we have prepared so far to establish an identity as a ‘service company’ in order to accelerate quantitative growth.”


The Chairman also announced the major plans for 2023 with the aim of strengthening core capabilities for the future industries and expanding the business. He said that “Daedong will become a true high-tech agricultural machinery company with the launch of the autonomous three-stage tractor and combine within this year, and Daedong Mobility will establish itself as a leading mobility company through mass production of automated, electric and smart mobility products and through quick-building of core competencies.” He added, “This year, we will introduce a service that provides crop growth information data using agricultural machinery that utilizes telematics technology, and take a step further to establish and launch a business model for crop growth solutions.”


Finally, Chairman Kim also emphasized the realization of social value through ESG management. Chairman Kim said, “It's time to strengthen corporate value by managing non-financial indicators through ESG management,” and “we will achieve sustainable growth by actively implementing ESG management policies involving environmentally conscious business strategies such as energy-saving and eco-friendly products, improvement of labor relations, employee care and cohabitation with partners, social contribution for the regional community, and transparent and reliable decision-making.”