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Board of Directors and Committees

Organizational structure of the Board of Directors
Configuration of the Board of Directors
Position Executive Gender Career highlights Term in office
Executive Director (Co-CEO), Chairperson Kim Jun-Sik Male Executive Vice President, Director of Planning and Coordination, Korea University March 2025
Executive Director (Co-CEO) Won Yu-Hyun Male "Managing Director of Future Convergence Business Promotion, KT George Washington University Graduate School" March 2026
Executive Director (full-time) Lee Jong-soon Male "Director of the Daedong Research Institute, Factory Chief of Daedong Gear, Director of Planning and Coordination, Seoul National University" March 2027
Independent Directors Kim Hyung-joon Male "Honorary Chair Professor at Pai Chai University, Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Iowa, USA" March 2027
Independent Directors Cho Yong-ho Male "Director of Nexia Samduk Accounting Corporation, Master of Economics from the Seoul National University" March 2027
Independent Directors Kim Chang-bong Male "Dean for the College of Business and Economics at Chung-Ang University, Ph.D. in Business Administration from Chung-Ang University" March 2027
Independent Directors Lee Sang-bin Male "Professor Emeritus at the Department of Business Administration, Hanyang University Business School, Civilian Member of the National Economic Advisory Council, Ph.D. in Business Administration from New York University" March 2027
Configuration of the Audit Committee
Position Job Executive Gender Key role in the Committee
Independent Directors Chairperson Cho Yong-ho Male 1. Supervise the work of directors and management
2. Approve the selection of external auditors
3. Other matters stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation or internal regulations in relation to audits
Independent Directors Member Kim Chang-bong Male
Independent Directors Member Lee Sang-bin Male
Configuration of the ESG Committee
Position Job Executive Gender Key role in the Committee
Executive Director Chairperson Kim Jun-Sik Male 1. Manages and votes on critical ESG-related risks
2. Reviews strategies toward managing sustainability and the direction of sustainable management, evaluates and reviews relevant performance and problems
Executive Director Vice Chairperson Won Yu-Hyun Male
Executive Director Member Lee Jong-soon Male
Independent Directors Member Kim Hyung-joon Male
Independent Directors Member Lee Sang-bin Male
Independent Directors Member Cho Yong-ho Male
Configuration of the Independent Director Recommendation Committee
Position Job Executive Gender Key role in the Committee
Independent Directors Chairperson Kim Chang-bong Male 1. Recommends appropriate Independent Directors
2. Manages the candidate pool for Independent Directors
Independent Directors Member Kim Hyung-joon Male
Independent Directors Member Lee Sang-bin Male
Configuration of the Compensation Committee
Position Job Executive Gender Key role in the Committee
Independent Directors Chairperson Kim Hyung-joon Male 1. Determine the remuneration levels for executives
2. Inspect the adequacy of the remuneration system
Independent Directors Member Cho Yong-ho Male
Independent Directors Member Kim Chang-bong Male

Dividend information

(Unit: KRW 100 million, KRW, %)

Sort 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dividend total Ordinary shares 12.4 16.5 16.5 21.6 23.3
Preferred shares - - - 1.5 0.5
Dividend per share Ordinary shares 60 80 80 100 100
Preferred shares - - - 100 100
Delivery payout ratio (consolidated) 46.7 7.9 4.8 6.0 21.0
Dividend yield 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.6

Resolutions from the general shareholders' meeting

(Unit: KRW 100 million, KRW, %)

Sort Resolution Purpose of the meeting Pass/ rejected Total no. of issued shares with voting rights attached (1) No. of shares exercising their voting rights from (1) No. of shares in favor of the resolution Proportion of shares in favor (%) No. of shares in opposition to the resolution or abstentions Proportion of shares in opposition, abstentions, etc. (%)
77th general shareholders' meeting Resolution no. 1 Moderate Matter of approving the consolidated and separate financial statements for the 77th general shareholders’ meeting Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,729,740 99.8 17,735 0.2
Resolution no. 3 Special Matter of partially amending the articles of incorporation Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,747,475 100 0
Resolution 3-1 Moderate Appointment of an Executive Director (Candidate: Lee Jong-soon) Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,747,475 100 0
Resolution 3-2 Moderate Appointment of a Non-executive Director (Candidate: Kim Hyeong-joon) Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,747,475 100 0
Resolution 3-3 Moderate Appointment of a Non-executive Director (Candidate: Kim Chang-bong) Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,729,744 99.8 17,731 0.2
Resolution 3-4 Moderate Appointment of a Non-executive Director (Candidate: Lee Sang-bin) Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,747,475 100 0
Resolution no. 4 Moderate Appointment of a Non-executive Director who is a member of the Audit Committee (Candidate: Cho Yong-ho) Passed 23,114,061 2,978,953 2,978,953 100 0
Resolution 5-1 Moderate Appointment of an Audit Committee member who is a Non-executive Director (Audit Committee member: Kim Chang-bong) Passed 23,114,061 2,978,953 2,961,222 99.4 17,731 0.6
Resolution 5-2 Moderate Appointment of an Audit Committee member who is a Non-executive Director (Audit Committee member: Lee Sang-bin) Passed 23,114,061 2,978,953 2,978,953 100 0
Resolution no. 6 Moderate Approval of the remuneration limit for Directors Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,389,288 95.9 358,187 4.1
Resolution no. 7 Special Amendment of the severance pay regulations for Executives Passed 23,114,061 8,747,475 8,747,475 100 0
76th general shareholders' meeting Resolution no. 1 Moderate Approval of the 76th consolidated and separate financial statements Passed 21,426,940 10,348,481 10,118,914 97.8 229,567 2.2
Resolution no. 2 Special Matter of partially amending the articles of incorporation Passed 21,426,940 10,348,481 10,344,212 99.9 4,269 0.1
Resolution 3-1 Moderate Appointment of an Executive Director (Candidate: Won Yu-hyun) Passed 21,426,940 10,348,481 10,344,212 99.9 4,269 0.1
Resolution 3-2 Moderate Appointment of a Non-executive Director (Candidate: Hyun Soo-ryong) Passed 21,426,940 10,348,481 9,379,511 90.6 968,970 9.4
Resolution no. 4 Moderate Appointment of an Audit Committee member who is a Non-executive Director (Candidate: Hyun Soo-ryong) Passed 21,426,940 4,641,926 4,638,543 99.9 3,383 0.1
Resolution no. 5 Moderate Approval of the remuneration limit for Directors Passed 21,426,940 10,348,481 8,840,692 85.4 1,507,789 14.6

ESG evaluation for 2023

(Unit: Rating)

Rating agency Environment(E) Society(S) Governance(G) Overall
Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability B A D C