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Creating environmental and social value with ESG management policies

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Labor-management cooperation

Union communication

Daedong respects and guarantees every worker’s right to organize, collective bargaining, and collective action in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The company works to improve working conditions and resolve grievances through labor-management collective bargaining and by forming a Labor-Management Council.

Labor union status

(Unit: persons, %, cases)

Sort 2021 2022 2023
Number of labor union members 511 542 522
Labor union membership subscription rate 100 100 100
Number of Labor-Management Council meetings 4 4 4


Employee status

(Unit: persons)

Sort 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees 1,318 1,337 1,276
Gender Male 1,256 1,269 1,210
Female 62 68 66
Employment type Full-time 847 925 957
Short-term contract 471 412 319
Dispatched worker 1) 163 128 130
Diversity Disabled 23 22 19
Foreign worker 2 1 1
Managerial2) Male 201 229 261
Female 4 6 11
Number of newly recruited employees 3) 770 822 475

1) The number of dispatched workers is not included in the total number of employees, gender, diversity, and number of employees selected for managerial positions

2) Minimum Section Manager level

3) The company recruited and hired more employees thanks to rising sales revenue in 2021 and 2022

Employee turnover

(unit: %)

Sort 2021 2022 2023
Voluntary turnover rate 1.6 3.6 3.1

Work-life balance

In order to help workers enjoy a better quality of living and to create a happy workplace, Daedong strives to provide a working environment that suits each individual's lifestyle with a staggered commuting system, telecommuting, and reduced work hours for pregnant women.

Training and capacity building

Daedong provides a variety of training programs by position and function to develop the capacity of its executives and employees, and operates a training curriculum to improve the capabilities of its partners as well as Daedong affiliates in addition to its own executives and employees.

Core training programs
Sort Target Course Start date End date Time(H) Participation(person) Satisfaction 4)
Introductory training Newly hired employees with prior work experience Introductory course for newly hired employees with prior work experience - first half of 2023 (round 1) April 18 (Tue), 2023 April 21 (Fri), 2023 24 29 6.8
Introductory course for newly hired employees with prior work experience - first/second half of 2023 (round 2) September 18 (Mon), 2023 September 20 (Wed), 2023 22 20 6.5
Introductory course for newly hired employees with prior work experience - first/second half of 2023 (round 3) October 17 (Tue), 2023 October 20 (Fri), 2023 24 13 6.9
Introductory course for newly hired employees with prior work experience - second half of 2023 (round 4) November 14 (Tue), 2023 November 17 (Fri), 2023 24 25 6.9
Introductory course for newly hired employees with prior work experience - second half of 2023 (round 5) December 12 (Tue), 2023 December 15 (Fri), 2023 24 26 6.9
Newly hired employees with no experience Introductory course for newly hired Group employees with no experience - first half of 2023 June 23 (Mon), 2023 June 12 (Fri), 2023 67 15 6.6
Introductory course for Group employees - second half of 2023 November 20 (Mon), 2023 December 1, (Fri), 2023 67 20 6.95
Leadership Team Manager 2023 new Team Manager upskilling course (session 1) April 10 (Mon), 2023 April 11 (Tue), 2023 12 10 6.8
2023 new Team Manager upskilling course (session 2) November 8 (Wed), 2023 November 9 (Thu), 2023 12 11 6.8
Team staff 2023 capacity building program for Group Assistant Managers May 23 (Tue), 2023 May 24 (Wed), 2023 13 11 6.9
2023 capacity building program for Group Section Managers May 25 (Thu), 2023 May 26 (Fri), 2023 13 23 6.9
2023 capacity building program for Group Deputy Managers June 8 (Thu), 2023 June 9 (Fri), 2023 13 7 6.8
2023 Daedong Step UP course for team staff and Associate Managers October 31 (Tue), 2023 November 1 (Wed), 2023 12 11 6.4
2023 Daedong Step UP course for Assistant Managers and Assistant Technicians November 2 (Thu), 2023 November 3 (Fri), 2023 12 22 6.1
2023 Daedong Step UP course for Section Managers and Chief Technicians November 6 (Mon), 2023 November 7 (Tue), 2023 12 20 6.4
On-the-job expertise "C.Biz Division A/S & Sales positions" 2023 service skills and capacity building course (A/S positions) August 7 (Mon), 2023 August 8 (Tue), 2023 12 22 6.9
August 9 (Wed), 2023 August 10 (Thu), 2023 12 23 6.8
2023 service skills and capacity building course (sales positions) August 24 (Thu), 2023 August 25 (Fri), 2023 12 14 6.7
September 5 (Tue), 2023 September 6 (Wed), 2023 12 24 6.7
p.Production and Development Division Field and management positions Course on the quality control system for completed vehicles August 16 (Wed), 2023 August 17 (Thu), 2023 16 35 6.09
August 21 (Mon), 2023 August 22 (Tue), 2023 12
Course on the quality control system for completed vehicles August 16 (Wed), 2023 August 17 (Thu), 2023 16 35 6.09
August 21 (Mon), 2023 August 22 (Tue), 2023 12
Educational support e-learning and paper-based learning January~December 2023 - 663 -
Outsourced education January~December 2023 - 53 -
Total 1126

4) Out of 7 points

Education status

(Unit: hour, KRW 1,000)

Sort 2021 2022 2023
Training hours per employee 5 12.5 11.6
Training cost per employee 86.9 176.2 260.4

Health and safety

Daedong appointed a Chief Safety Officer (CSO) via its Board of Directors in 2023. The CSO establishes, inspects, and manages the company's health and safety policy, and is responsible for the company-wide management of health and safety with overall authority over health and safety-related organizations, personnel, and budget. Moreover, Daedong strives to optimize its management of safety in each field by establishing an Environment, Safety, and Firefighting (ESF) system to create safer workplaces and prevent severe disasters.

Health and safety organization and roles
Daedong's Health and Safety Vision
Daedong Co., Ltd. ensures health and safety for forward-looking/sustainable management
Daedong Health and Safety Policy

As an expert manufacturer that designs, produces, and sells agricultural machinery, Daedong strives to prevent safety accidents and occupational diseases by identifying and inspecting harmful and risk factors that may occur during the production of parts and products in advance, and it operates a health and safety system to help control risks. The company aspires to use this system to establish “zero accident” workplaces, comply with internal standards as well as health and safety laws and the requirements of ISO45001, and it wants to continue improving the company to achieve its health and safety goals set according to its health and safety policy. Daedong promulgates this policy so that all employees are familiar and aware of its provisions, and periodically reviews the policy to ensure that the company's health and safety management system is understood by all employees and that stakeholders (partners, consumers, local communities, etc.) are participating and effectively implementing and maintaining it.

Four major health and safety strategies
Health and safety goals

“ZERO” critical accidents

Roadmap for building an integrated disaster management system
Health and safety indicators

(Unit: %)

Sort 2021 2022 2023 비고
Industrial accident rate Headquarters 0.72 1.12 0.63 Number of accidents per 100 work
Partner company - - -
Health and Safety Certification ISO45001
Health and Safety Certification


Human rights management

Daedong prohibits discrimination based on education, region, familial relations, gender, religion, age, nationality, marital status, race, etc. through its Code of Ethics. It has a strong commitment toward human rights, including guaranteeing labor rights and prohibiting workplace harassment. Daedong always strives to put its human rights management policies into practice.

Go to Daedong Code of Ethics
Human rights management goals

Grievance handling channel for human rights issues

Daedong operates an online reporting center on its website to receive reports and resolve human rights-related grievances of all stakeholders. The company strives to protect any whistle-blowers by keeping his/her identity, reported content, and evidence strictly confidential.

Sustainable supply chain

Daedong is committed to a supply chain policy that establishes fair transaction procedures within the Code of Ethics, and it promotes mutual growth with partners in order to practice the values of shared growth and fair competition that can help the company fulfill its ultimate goal of “together toward innovation.”

Shared growth program
  • Daedong Convention

    Daedong Convention

  • Daedong Awards (authorized dealers)

    Daedong Awards
    (authorized dealers)

  • Daedong Consortium Center

    Daedong Consortium Center

Partner support
Support 비고
Financial support for equipment and facilities at partner companies Financial support for equipment and facilities at partner companies
Partner company conferences Collect feedback and listen to complaints (safety, environment, quality issues, etc.) through regular meetings with partners

Local community

As an integral member of the local community, Daedong strives to identify and solve problems in the local community in order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, ensure sustainable development, and benefit local communities.

Local community risk management
Corporate social responsibility activities
2022 Blood Donation Campaign
2022 Blood Donation Campaign


Donate blood to save the lives of patients in need of blood transfusion in collaboration with the Korean Red Cross Daegu-Gyeongsangbuk-do Blood Center

Improve the supply of blood through regular blood donations where blood supply for transfusion is declining due to a drastic drop in birth rate and a rapidly aging population


Approx. 40 employees from the Head Office and factories have participated in the campaign

Win-Win and Open Innovation for ESG


Improve awareness of open innovation practices and create an ecosystem for large and small businesses in the Daegu region (supporting ESG technology, technology to prevent critical disasters, new future technology, etc.)

Demonstrate support for open innovation and technology-matching for shared growth between startups, large, small and medium-sized enterprises, and public enterprises


Invest to support the development and application of technology (PoC support funds)

Total of 2~3 companies selected for the program (total support of approx. KRW 200 million)


Quality management

Quality management policy

As an expert manufacturer that designs, produces, and sells agricultural machinery, Daedong does its best to ensure the safety and reliability of its products and to supply products that customers can use satisfactorily. In order to deliver products that satisfy customers, Daedong has a quality management system that identifies customer requirements from the product design stage to follow-up (after-sales) service, and it makes sure all employees understand and do their part in implementing the quality management system. Daedong’s quality management system will continue to get updates, meet the requirements of ISO9001:2015, and comply with domestic and international laws as well as standards throughout the entire manufacturing process. The company will also set and achieve separate quality goals internally to promote going forward. Daedong’s Director of Quality Management has the responsibility and authority to regularly review and take action on behalf of the CEO, thereby ensuring that the quality management system is implemented and maintained effectively.

제품 신뢰성확보, 품질경영 시스템, 품질목표 관리 제품 신뢰성확보, 품질경영 시스템, 품질목표 관리
Quality management system certification
Quality management activities
Daedong Global Quality Innovation TFT
Daedong Global Quality Innovation TFT

Daedong has a TFT aimed at helping the company exceed KRW 1 trillion in sales, enter into new smart mobility businesses, and ensure quality is on par with globally acceptable levels

Last year, the TFT took on 15 projects in the areas of development, production, purchasing, and customer applications with a focus on reorganizing the quality process

The TFT has 12 new projects Its goal is to establish a supply chain capable of producing 49,000 tractors per year and improve the Group's overall production quality

㈜대동 한국품질만족지수 3년 연속 1위 선정
Daedong Co., Ltd., no. 1 in KS-QEI for the third consecutive year

Awarded by the Korean Standards Association in 2004 based on excellence in quality and consumer/expert satisfaction

Daedong tractors ranked first in the Quality Satisfaction Index for three consecutive years, with excellent user features and affective quality

Daedong autonomous combine is no. 1 in the 2023 Quality Satisfaction Index

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