The following Investor Relations purport to the business operations of Daedong.
Compared to the previous day 450
Fluctuation -3.57%
Market price | High price | Low price | Transaction volume |
12,280 | 12,780 | 12,150 | 3,004,260 |
Transaction amount | 37,333,758,950 |
Upper limit price | 16,400 |
Lower limit price | 8,840 |
Previous day price | 12,620 |
52-week high | 16,160 |
52-week low | 7,850 |
PER | 15.33 |
Face value | 1,000 |
Number of listed stocks | 25,640,788 |
Market capitalization | 312,048,389,960 |
Listing date | 1975.06.27 |
Sell quantity | Bid and ask price | Buy quantity |
20 | 12,210 | |
1,271 | 12,200 | |
67 | 12,190 | |
448 | 12,180 | |
238 | 12,170 | |
12,160 | 7,463 | |
12,150 | 12,612 | |
12,140 | 2,408 | |
12,130 | 2,632 | |
12,120 | 3,208 |
Time | Execution price | Compared to the previous day |
Ask price | Bid price | Execution volume |
13:16:30 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 238 |
13:16:20 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,170 | 12,160 | 5 |
13:16:10 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,170 | 12,160 | 11 |
13:16:00 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,170 | 12,160 | 35 |
13:15:50 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,170 | 12,160 | 336 |
13:15:40 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 278 |
13:15:30 | 12,180 | 440 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 7 |
13:15:20 | 12,180 | 440 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 22 |
13:15:10 | 12,180 | 440 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 1 |
13:14:50 | 12,170 | 450 | 12,180 | 12,170 | 100 |
Date | Closing price | Compared to the previous day |
Market price | High price | Low price | Transaction volume |
Transaction amount |
25/01/21 | 12,180 | 440 | 12,280 | 12,780 | 12,150 | 2,996,109 | 37,234,561,270 |
25/01/20 | 12,620 | 560 | 11,830 | 12,620 | 11,730 | 6,119,381 | 74,733,731,750 |
25/01/17 | 12,060 | 110 | 12,040 | 12,060 | 11,600 | 3,267,244 | 38,607,646,470 |
25/01/16 | 12,170 | 2 | 10,500 | 12,670 | 10,330 | 17,473,242 | 206,284,659,600 |
25/01/15 | 10,160 | 170 | 10,400 | 10,400 | 10,090 | 405,307 | 4,176,514,370 |
25/01/14 | 10,330 | 140 | 10,290 | 10,390 | 10,140 | 247,665 | 2,538,635,810 |
25/01/13 | 10,190 | 120 | 10,310 | 10,390 | 10,160 | 232,928 | 2,382,279,590 |
25/01/10 | 10,310 | 170 | 10,140 | 10,340 | 10,040 | 450,141 | 4,591,040,850 |
25/01/09 | 10,140 | 40 | 10,070 | 10,250 | 10,050 | 257,193 | 2,605,977,500 |
25/01/08 | 10,100 | 50 | 10,190 | 10,230 | 10,040 | 255,030 | 2,581,284,520 |