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Daedong 000490 2024-11-21 17:31:43 KST

Compared to the previous day 1

Fluctuation 18.18%

Market price High price Low price Transaction volume
10,570 12,170 9,710 15,186,496

Key indices (Unit: KRW, %)

Transaction amount 172,425,755,720
Upper limit price 12,870
Lower limit price 6,930
Previous day price 9,900
52-week high 20,100
52-week low 7,850
PER 14.74
Face value 1,000
Number of listed stocks 25,640,788
Market capitalization 299,997,219,600
Listing date 1975.06.27

Bid and ask price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Sell quantity Bid and ask price Buy quantity
3,490 11,750
10,466 11,740
20,860 11,730
20,852 11,720
14,961 11,710
11,700 12,569
11,690 4,742
11,680 11
11,670 3
11,650 169

Hourly execution price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Time Execution price Compared to
the previous day
Ask price Bid price Execution volume
15:30:00 11,700 1 11,710 11,700 190,531
15:20:00 11,620 1 11,720 11,710 17,981
15:19:50 11,640 1 11,640 11,630 10,626
15:19:40 11,640 1 11,640 11,630 5,036
15:19:30 11,630 1 11,640 11,630 9,763
15:19:20 11,560 1 11,570 11,560 10,549
15:19:10 11,600 1 11,610 11,600 12,723
15:19:00 11,630 1 11,640 11,630 7,462
15:18:50 11,570 1 11,590 11,570 6,516
15:18:40 11,610 1 11,610 11,600 2,636

Daily price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Date Closing price Compared to
the previous day
Market price High price Low price Transaction
24/11/21 11,700 1 10,570 12,170 9,710 15,141,672 171,922,645,080
24/11/20 9,900 600 9,280 9,960 9,060 629,575 6,081,397,440
24/11/19 9,300 210 9,090 9,300 9,000 250,291 2,299,506,610
24/11/18 9,090 500 8,930 9,450 8,810 642,914 5,904,796,700
24/11/15 8,590 230 7,900 9,060 7,850 945,524 8,099,476,090
24/11/14 8,360 130 8,450 8,840 8,360 150,180 1,285,326,860
24/11/13 8,490 620 9,050 9,050 8,440 309,075 2,686,473,160
24/11/12 9,110 370 8,740 9,710 8,740 1,733,293 16,284,784,650
24/11/11 8,740 210 9,030 9,070 8,730 108,708 963,420,300
24/11/08 8,950 170 8,800 9,050 8,760 158,535 1,416,340,660
·IR officer Tel. 02-3470-7325 E-mail : kht278@daedong.co.kr