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Daedong 000490 2024-07-26 19:59:31 KST

Compared to the previous day 250

Fluctuation 2.50%

Market price High price Low price Transaction volume
10,000 10,290 9,970 139,514

Key indices (Unit: KRW, %)

Transaction amount 1,417,806,700
Upper limit price 13,000
Lower limit price 7,000
Previous day price 10,000
52-week high 20,800
52-week low 9,820
PER 12.91
Face value 1,000
Number of listed stocks 25,640,788
Market capitalization 262,818,077,000
Listing date 1975.06.27

Bid and ask price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Sell quantity Bid and ask price Buy quantity
1,084 10,310
2,332 10,300
1,985 10,290
720 10,280
507 10,270
10,250 35
10,240 332
10,230 636
10,220 195
10,210 602

Hourly execution price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Time Execution price Compared to
the previous day
Ask price Bid price Execution volume
15:30:00 10,250 250 10,270 10,250 3,201
15:19:50 10,280 280 10,270 10,250 21
15:19:10 10,280 280 10,280 10,260 3
15:18:30 10,260 260 10,280 10,260 1
15:18:20 10,280 280 10,280 10,260 2
15:17:20 10,270 270 10,280 10,270 60
15:16:30 10,280 280 10,290 10,270 197
15:16:20 10,280 280 10,280 10,270 71
15:15:40 10,280 280 10,290 10,270 18
15:15:10 10,280 280 10,290 10,270 1,061

Daily price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Date Closing price Compared to
the previous day
Market price High price Low price Transaction
24/07/26 10,250 250 10,000 10,290 9,970 139,484 1,417,498,900
24/07/25 10,000 180 10,150 10,150 9,920 195,393 1,957,639,480
24/07/24 10,180 70 10,250 10,350 10,160 90,839 928,441,380
24/07/23 10,250 160 10,340 10,480 10,250 81,522 842,863,620
24/07/22 10,410 130 10,290 10,470 10,100 171,036 1,752,282,320
24/07/19 10,280 220 10,480 10,480 10,270 156,112 1,613,986,090
24/07/18 10,500 210 10,620 10,680 10,440 176,481 1,855,940,800
24/07/17 10,710 230 10,950 11,110 10,700 195,011 2,117,736,280
24/07/16 10,940 200 10,790 11,250 10,740 503,908 5,557,610,740
24/07/15 10,740 130 10,600 10,770 10,450 201,535 2,141,384,410
·IR officer Tel. 02-3470-7325 E-mail : kht278@daedong.co.kr