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Daedong 000490 2025-02-17 17:59:46 KST

Compared to the previous day 100

Fluctuation 0.75%

Market price High price Low price Transaction volume
13,280 13,800 12,770 1,556,698

Key indices (Unit: KRW, %)

Transaction amount 20,855,971,810
Upper limit price 17,260
Lower limit price 9,300
Previous day price 13,280
52-week high 15,880
52-week low 7,850
PER 16.85
Face value 1,000
Number of listed stocks 25,640,788
Market capitalization 343,073,743,440
Listing date 1975.06.27

Bid and ask price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Sell quantity Bid and ask price Buy quantity
50 13,430
158 13,420
7,822 13,400
2,995 13,390
2,603 13,380
13,370 1,104
13,360 2,250
13,350 3,643
13,340 1,083
13,330 1,309

Hourly execution price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Time Execution price Compared to
the previous day
Ask price Bid price Execution volume
15:30:00 13,380 100 13,380 13,370 21,639
15:20:00 13,390 110 13,380 13,370 287
15:19:50 13,370 90 13,380 13,370 18
15:19:40 13,400 120 13,400 13,370 31
15:19:20 13,370 90 13,400 13,370 770
15:19:10 13,410 130 13,420 13,410 17
15:18:50 13,400 120 13,410 13,400 3,197
15:18:20 13,360 80 13,380 13,360 2,008
15:18:00 13,370 90 13,390 13,380 532
15:17:50 13,370 90 13,390 13,370 100

Daily price (Unit: KRW, shares, Based on Korean stock market)

Date Closing price Compared to
the previous day
Market price High price Low price Transaction
25/02/17 13,380 100 13,280 13,800 12,770 1,556,698 20,855,971,810
25/02/14 13,280 580 13,860 14,150 13,140 1,754,018 23,648,075,740
25/02/13 13,860 590 13,610 15,880 13,500 13,207,266 194,238,282,950
25/02/12 13,270 790 12,720 13,650 12,610 6,232,345 82,309,508,540
25/02/11 12,480 440 12,010 12,940 11,900 3,088,342 38,675,075,460
25/02/10 12,040 250 12,210 12,270 11,910 1,156,800 13,986,981,400
25/02/07 12,290 590 11,590 13,060 11,550 5,173,221 64,294,877,300
25/02/06 11,700 140 11,900 12,420 11,700 2,160,002 26,010,496,860
25/02/05 11,560 50 11,830 11,930 11,550 695,502 8,135,491,280
25/02/04 11,510 360 11,240 11,750 11,130 844,507 9,689,984,450
·IR officer Tel. 02-3470-7325 E-mail : kht278@daedong.co.kr